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Khipu Notes Exist - See Below

Original Author: Marcia & Robert Ascher
Museum: Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin
Museum Number: VA47124B
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Ica
Total Number of Cords: 18
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 2
Benford Match: 0.777
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Datafile: AS142

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Khipu Notes

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. Construction note: The main cord is finished by being bent back and inserted through its own strands.
  2. This is one of several khipus acquired by the Museum in 1907 with provenance Ica. For a list of these khipus, see UR1100.
  3. UR1141 and AS142 are designated by the same Museum number. For a comparison of them, see UR1141.
  4. By spacing, there are 2 groups of 6 pendants each. All pendants and the main cord are color W. There is one subsidiary on each pendant in the first group. All subsidiaries are B.

Primary Cord Notes:
The main cord is finished by being bent back and inserted through its own strands.