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Khipu Notes Exist - See Below

Original Author: Carrie Brezine
Museum: Puruchuco Museum
Museum Number: 23
Provenance: Puruchuco
Region: Huaquerones
Total Number of Cords: 14
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 4
Benford Match: 0.274
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Datafile: UR080

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Khipu Notes

Wrapped loosely in spiral. Doubled end inside. With pendants facing away, spiral rolls up from right to left: Z

Primary Cord Notes:Urton thinks primary cord is olive green; Brezine sees more blue, such as GL. Characteristic Puruchuco primary cord arrangement: (TG-MB) - TG - MB. Blue portions of cord have 12-13 2-ply components; brown has 26 2 ply components, counted at ravelled end.
Urton thinks primary cord is olive green; Brezine sees more blue, such as GL. Characteristic Puruchuco primary cord arrangement: (TG-MB) - TG - MB. Blue portions of cord have 12-13 2-ply components; brown has 26 2 ply components, counted at ravelled end.