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Khipu Notes Exist - See Below

Original Name: AS057
Original Author: Marcia & Robert Ascher
Museum: Museo de Ica, Ica, Peru
Museum Number: 7
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Unknown
Total Number of Cords: 589
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 10
Benford Match: 0.262
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Datafile: UR1057

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Khipu Notes

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. Construction note: Each of these knots has a short cord tied through it. The cords are about 2.0 cm. long and are color YB:0G (on P1, 2, 4, 65, 67, 85-88, 108, 128, 130) or W (on P5-9, 69, 72, 73, 91, 93, 114, 133, 135). They are attached at the bottom of the knots.
  2. Construction note: The main cord begins with a fringed woven ball.
  3. Construction note:
    1. Markers are thick short cords that are looped around the main cord, twisted about 4 times, and bound.
    2. In some cases (M3, M6, Mll, Ml9, M20), the main cord has first been wrapped with YB: BB cord for a length of about 1.0 cm.
  4. Construction note: Markers M32 and M39 each have a cord attached through them. The cords are listed as Tl and T2 respectively because, as with top cords, they are directed upward and have knot clusters on them. They are attached to the loops of the markers in the same way that a top cord is usually attached to the main cord.
  5. Construction note: In addition to the markers, there are other exceptional cords attached to the main cord. They are called "flags. " All are blank, YB, and much longer or shorter than surrounding cords. (Because of the slight space between F2 and F4, and the discoloration of the main cord, it is assumed that an F3 was in that space.)
  6. By spacing, the khipu is separated into 24 groups. Each group has the same basic pattern: BB, (YB, W, YB, YB), BB, (YB, W, YB, YB), (YB, W, YB, YB), BB, Marker, (YB, W, YB, YB), (FB:W with a subsidiary of YB/0G, YB, 0G). In groups that have less than 22 pendants, it is 1 or 2 of the BB cords that are non-existent. Parentheses have been used to emphasize that each group is made up of 5 subgroups, with the first 4 having the same color pattern. As well as there being a marker between the 3rd and 4th subgroup in each group, there are as many as 3 markers or 4 f lags between some consecutive groups.
  7. The flag F1, just after the 7th group, separates the khipu into 2 parts.
    1. The first part, consisting of 7 groups, has pendant values from 0-104. With 1 exception, all knots on pendants in subgroups 1 and 2 are tagged (see #1 above). The tags in subgroup 1 are YB: 0G, and those in subgroup 2 are W.
    2. By contrast, in part 2, consisting of 17 groups, there are no tagged knots. The values also differ. With the exception of the value on 1 subsidiary, all values are 0,1,2, or 4. Moreover, most of the values in subgroups 1-3 are 0, most in subgroup 4 are 1, and the values 2 and 4 appear only in subgroup 5.