Original Author:
Manuel Medrano
Museum: Lippisches Landesmuseum Detmold Museum Number: Unknown Provenance: Unknown Region: Unknown (not from Gaffron collections) |
Total Number of Cords: 75 Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 13 Similar Khipu: Previous (QU011) Next (UR009) Catalog: MM004 Khipu Notes: Khipu Notes |
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Khipu Notes
Museum Notes
Museum Number: TBU following receipt from Dr. Michael Zelle (Museum Director)
Museum Description: One of four khipus in the museum collections (three of which are on display). Displayed flat in the exhibit, in same configuration over the past several decades (lying ~flat, slight angle for viewing in waist-high glass display case in the "Kulturen der Welt" exhibit on the third (top) floor of the museum). Mounted on a cloth board with MM004 (Gaffron collection). The khipu has a medium-thickness, solid-color primary cord. A fully detached piece of the primary cord's dangling end is displayed above the pendant section of the primary cord. An additional fragment of the primary cord is attached to the backing board near the top right corner of mounting. It appears that the portion of primary cord with associated pendants is fully preserved (as the detached section of primary cord does not have any associated pendants).
Cord Notes
1: Cord broken at attachment knot; direction ambiguous
9: Original pendant cord broken at 14.5cm. Remainder of pendant tied to the original pendant with a foreign thread at 14.5cm
35: Unfinished/unwraveled pendant cord and loose attachment knot. Ambiguous direction
41: Includes supposed continuation of detached pendant tied with foreign twine to remaining component of original pendant at 4.5cm. The fragment is 16.5cm long
All khipus I have studied are currently designated "MM", following convention in the field (and until a more suitable replacement convention is agreed upon)
(Manuel Medrano)