
Original Author: Manuel Medrano
Museum: Weltkulturenmuseum, Frankfurt, Germany
Museum Number: NS 35318
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Unknown
Total Number of Cords: 175
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 23
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Catalog: MM021
Khipu Notes: Khipu Notes

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Khipu Notes

Notes and Obeservations for Khipu MM021

1: p1 subsidiaries (p1s1-P1s6) attached with pendant-like attachment knots, though p1 is not significantly thicker than other pendant cords, suggesting this is not a subsidiary primary cord
6: string damaged between 8.0-18.0cm
11: repair knot at 14.0cm
13: untied 1S knot at 31.0cm
27: extra loop behind top of 8L knot
37: pendant loop at 27.0cm
58: color changes in turn of long knot
75: repair knot at 18.0cm
77: color changes in turn of long knot
87: pendant loop at 16.5cm
102: pendant damaged between 15.5-18.0cm

Primary Cord Notes

Primary Cord Thread Wrappings
YB wrapping at 47.5cm
All khipus I have studied are currently designated "MM", following convention in the field (and until a more suitable replacement convention is agreed upon) - Nanuel Medrano